2020年夏季,20多名学生在students +Startups实习

自2016年以来, 学生+Startups has placed Tigers right in the middle of 圣安东尼奥’s exploding startup scene. 今年夏天,这个项目看起来有点不同, but 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 students were still making moves and earning their stripes while working from home.

The program matches students with internships at a variety of 圣安东尼奥 startups for the summer. 这项计划由80|20基金会资助,并与Geekdom合作运营, 这是圣安东尼奥市中心一个独特的联合办公空间. 今年夏天,20多名老虎学生在当地创业公司实习,其中包括:



Will Symonds ’21 is an accounting major who has been paired with Culinary Health Education for Families (CHEF). CHEF is a 圣安东尼奥-founded nonprofit that was conceived and incubated by the Goldsbury Foundation (Kit Goldsbury ’66). The program teaches basic nutrition and culinary skills to school-aged children in Bexar County with the long term goal of reducing diet-related chronic disease in our community.

整个夏天, 将在组织的战略发展计划中发挥重要作用, researching and analyzing data to help make informed decisions about the best places to expand CHEF. 利用德州2036数据等资源, 西蒙兹指出,CHEF的影响可能对学校和人群最有帮助. 

“We are looking at grant funding as well as expansion in the 学校 that CHEF partners with, 所以我一直在研究新的市场, 健康和经济指标, 以及COVID-19对当地食品银行的影响, 学校, 以及整个城市,威尔说. 

目前, Will正在尽最大努力帮助CHEF查看大流行背景下的数据, 是什么导致了整个州的数据发生了重大变化. “显然,数据是很棒的,”他说. “但我们所处的世界与这场战争开始前不同, 所以我们只是在尽我们所能把所有相关的数据都掌握在手中.

Neha Kapur, 22岁

Neha Kapur, 22岁

22岁的Neha Kapur整个夏天都在圣安东尼奥的VelocityTX实习.

德克萨斯研究中心 & Technology Foundation (TRTF) and VelocityTX are 圣安东尼奥’s champions for driving economic development in and around emerging technologies,尼哈解释道. “We fund and develop innovative ventures, building 圣安东尼奥’s bioscience and technology economy.”

Neha is using her major in business analytics and technology for a Bioasset Mapping project called BioConnectSA at VelocityTX, locating and compiling all of the potential resources for entrepreneurs in the healthcare and bioscience industry in 圣安东尼奥. That includes conducting personal interviews and community outreach with UT Health 圣安东尼奥, 西南研究院, 以及圣安东尼奥医疗生态系统中的其他几家主要公司. 一旦尼哈整理好所有的信息, VelocityTX will create a searchable database for entrepreneurs to easily navigate all of the available resources in the sector.



艾比·沃森22岁 is double majoring and worked as the business intelligence intern at Enflux this summer. Enflux为高等教育提供了一个强大的决策支持平台. 孤立的和静态的数据被整理成有洞察力的, 可操作的实时报告, helping institutions provide data-backed performance metrics to federal and accreditation agencies. 

Watson与Tableau开发人员密切合作, who analyze academic data pulled from siloed sources to transform this data into insightful, 可操作的仪表板. She assessed the data needs of clients to create and support the development of Tableau dashboards. 沃森是Enflux数据分析团队的重要组成部分, working to deliver the right data and 可操作的仪表板 to the right educator at the right time. 



Danilo Collins is a senior economics and political science double major who has spent this summer working with Braustin 首页s, 一家销售移动设备的初创公司, 工厂建造的房屋遍布德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州. 达尼洛帮忙做了很多事情,从带孩子回家参观, 提供客户服务, 和市场团队一起工作, 在旅行期间对房屋进行消毒,以确保在这种新现实中尽可能安全.

“My experience working with customers at Braustin has already greatly impacted my personal development. 我不是一个特别外向的人, so when I found out that a major part of my job would include talking to customers face-to-face, 我有点紧张. 但当我开始学习布洛斯丁的体系后,这种恐惧就消失了。”达尼洛说. “除了与一个伟大的团队合作, 与客户密切合作是一种宝贵的经历. I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with customers at various points throughout the buying process. 这是我工作中最有价值的部分.”

Lizzie Ruetschle ' 21

Lizzie Ruestchle ' 21

Lizzie Ruetschle 21岁,整个夏天都在Go Smart Solar工作. Go Smart Solar为圣安东尼奥居民提供太阳能服务,包括 a community solar program that allows residents to own solar panels without having them installed on their own rooftops. 

Lizzie worked as a software development intern–a perfect match for her computer science major–on a project that will allow customers to view the status of their solar panels and how much they save on their electricity bill by being involved in solar energy production. 

“I'm learning a lot about the solar energy industry as well as improving my skills as a software developer, 所以我非常感谢这次机会!丽齐说.

胜利Ogubuike ' 22

胜利Ogubuike ' 22

胜利Ogubuike ' 22 spent the summer as an intern for Mailgun, an API-based email delivery platform. Most of her projects centered around integrating a European-based email services company that Mailgun acquired last year. 

Victory says it was a fun and positive environment; everyone is constantly pursuing excellence, 通过参与其中,她学到了很多.

“I’ve started to explore a career in industrial-organizational psychology/human resources, 所以当我被Mailgun匹配为人力资源/运营实习生时,我欣喜若狂,胜利说。, 谁是经济学和心理学双学位. “Mailgun is a very fast-paced environment so I’m constantly adapting and multitasking to meet deadlines, 我很喜欢. 尽管世界目前的情况,远程入职过程是惊人的.”



杰克·埃克斯勒,22岁 is a political science and economics double major from Gaithersburg, Maryland. 他整个夏天都在Launch SA实习,与学生+Startups合作, an organization that helps small business owners and entrepreneurs develop and grow by providing personalized assistance and events to build a community.

埃克斯勒帮助安排了在线圣安东尼奥创业周的后勤工作. Jake loved talking to local small business owners and had a great time getting to know some of them, as well as seeing his work behind the scenes come to fruition and help the week run smoothly.

创业周后, Jake worked on a project to analyze data sources and offer tailored suggestions and insights to Launch SA. Jake’s goal has been to help Launch SA track their impact more easily and efficiently in order to better serve the 圣安东尼奥 community. 

作为一名政治学专业的学生,雅各布对他的研究最有兴趣. “I know my work will eventually help us tell a better story of Launch SA and secure funding and resources from the city,杰克说。. 

Sydney Rhodes’23 helped tell 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's story as a writing intern for Strategic Communications and Marketing.
